Our Services

Treatment under sedation or general anaesthesia

The anaesthetists that we use are all trained in paediatric anaesthesia, and are aware of the requirements for a child and adolescent.

Some procedures require the use of sedation or general anaesthesia for your child to give them a pain free experience. In our procedures, we use the following safe methods of sedation:

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide sedation ("happy gas") is a safe and easy to use inhalational relaxant. In combination with a local anaesthetic on an apprehensive, but generally cooperative patient, it provides an excellent avenue to facilitate all aspects of dentistry in children.

General Anaesthesia

General anaesthetics provide a sensible option for the treatment of patients with extensive dental disease and other medical conditions. These procedures are performed in a hospital setting with paediatric trained anaesthetists. The procedures usually take no longer than 30-60 minutes and the children are discharged home on the same day.